

This guest book has 200 unlined pages in color white, stitched to open flat. You can note or draw on it with pencil, crayons, markers, watercolors, etc. The cover of the book is hard with a particular texture, made by cotton fabric and cotton white lace with handmade textile label. There is a couple of man and a woman stitched by hand, symbol of marriage, companionship and love. Its size is 25ch25cm closed. It is easy to use and can stick photos on it or greeting cards. Generally it is a strength book, will not lose its pages ever and will become a wonderful reminder of joyful moments over the years.

Technical details:

  • Hardcover
  • 200 pages
  • watercolor paper 120g.
  • handmade label
  • cloth decorated
  • stitched pages
  • opens flat
  • lined
  • silk fabric
  • size 25x25 cm

Available upon request at 15 days

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"Tela and Spagos", bookbinding for kids
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